

 Increase Salon’s Sales 
By $2K a Week.


Discover the 3-part Momentum Method
to increase your Salon's sales by $2k a week.

The Momentum Program is for Salon Owners with small teams,
who want to drive sales momentum in their Salon businesses. 

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Attract Ideal Clients

Build a Winning Team Culture

Attract a Rockstar Team

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Increase Sales by $2K a Week.

3-Part Momentum Method

How does the 3-Part Method work? 
In order to gain proper Momentum, and grow your sales by $2k a week,
you should only be focusing on 3 simple things right now.

Client Attraction

Install a proven system to Grow your social following and turn them into real bookings. Consistently attract your dream clients once and for all, with our reliable, repeatable done-for-you marketing strategies.

Culture of Winning

Build a culture where your team feel confident that selling is Serving. Teach your team to Smash Sales with tried & tested strategies that are simple, fun, and will grow a culture of 'winning'.

Employ Rockstar Team

In today’s ever-changing hiring climate, it’s important to have a reliable recruitment strategy. Uncover our proven strategy to nail your recruitment process & find, attract, and employ rockstar team members.

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Most Small Salon Owners Get Stuck At The "Operator" Phase of Business...

...They're the main operator (stylist or therapist) on the floor and get exhausted with all the hours, overwhelmed with the to-do lists, and burnt out all in an attempt to get traction.

  • You're stuck. You're the busiest one on the floor, doing the most clients, while your dwindling team aren’t growing, aren't selling, aren't retaining.


  • You can't get past this HUMP. You feel burnt out because you’ve ‘tried all the things’ but nothing’s working… it's 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.


  • You can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, you wonder if you'll ever be able to grow past the ‘small salon’ phase and earn more than $6k a week.

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 Most Small Salon Owners Get Stuck At The "Operator" Phase of Business...

...They're the main operator (stylist or therapist) on the floor and get exhausted with all the hours, overwhelmed with the to-do lists, and burnt out all in an attempt to get traction.

  • You're stuck. You're the busiest one on the floor, doing the most clients, while your dwindling team aren’t growing, aren't selling, aren't retaining.
  • You can't get past this HUMP. You feel burnt out because you’ve ‘tried all the things’ but nothing’s working… it's 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.
  • You can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, you wonder if you'll ever be able to grow past the ‘small salon’ phase and earn more than $6k a week.

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Tools & Support You Need to...

Grow to the Next Phase of Business

Drive sales momentum in your Salon and get over this hump.

  • A complete, proven 3-Part Momentum Method to grow your Sales by $2k a week

  • Momentum Members HUB: 3-Part Momentum Strategies to grow sales $2k a week, Done-For-You worksheets & examples, Masterclasses, Replays & more

  • Monthly LIVE Zoom Coaching Calls

  • Support from Success Coaches to move you into Salon Momentum

  • Community of Salon Owners so you never feel alone
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Join The Momentum Program Now...

Step 1. Decide to Join the Program

Join now- I have a long list of owners in my inbox right now that are dying to get their hands on this. You'll want to get in first!


Step 2. Choose Your Plan

Choose from 2 easy payment options to suit your preference. We understand that you need options & we've got them. 

Step 3. Grow Sales by $2k a Week

Get past that growth hump and into a phase of business where the clients' focus isn't all about YOU. Finally get some space to breathe. 

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Is The Momentum Program Right For You?

How will the 3-Part Momentum Method help you to grow your Sales by $2k a weekWatch now to learn about how it will work for you.

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Owners Who Have Implemented
The 3-Part Momentum Method...

Tākaka, NZ

NSW, Australia

QLD, Australia

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Owners Who Have Implemented
The 3-Part Momentum Method...

Tākaka, NZ

NSW, Australia

QLD, Australia

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Momentum Method Results


Like many Salon Owners stuck in the small-team phase of Salon Ownership, when Sherri-Lee joined the Momentum program, she felt she had made all the progress she could, by herself. 

Now, since joining the Momentum Program, she has seen a 50% growth in her sales, hired a new team member, and had the confidence to make momentum-inducing changes to her business and herself.

"It's like an extended family and I 
feel like I have found my people."

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Who Am I?


Larissa Macleman



I am a Business Mentor and Strategic Coach who helps salon owners, like yourself, step into leadership and master the role as a Salon CEO.  



After years of frustration in my own Salon, I fought my way to Salon success through grit, determination, trial & error. I saw my fellow Salon Owners working themselves to the bone, and I knew I had to do it differently.

So, I developed the business structure, framework and resources that scaled my Salon to Multi-Million Dollar status, and grew my team from 2 to 30!

Then I started teaching these proven strategies to burned out salon owners like yourself.


  So Why Should You Listen to Me..?


After 20 years as a National & International business award-winning Salon Owner, I sold my Salon and worked in digital & Social Media Marketing & Salon Technology Development and Grow & Scale Coaching.

Through my immersive salon Mastery program, I empower Salon Owners like yourself step into the role of CEO and skyrocket their Salons.

I'll provide you with the strategic frameworks to grow and scale your business, create Powerful Profits and build a Rockstar Team... so you can live a life of Freedom & Profit..

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Growing Forward Momentum in Your Small Salon Business Can Feel TOUGH.

You feel stuck because:

✓ You make the most on the floor, you’re the centre of all your clients and no one from your team seems to be able to do it as well as you…

✓ You’re overbooked and overwhelmed. You’re working 60 hour weeks on the floor, grinding so you can make more money and keep clients happy. Plus you’re trying to run the business on top of that…

At the moment, you’re struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You don’t have time eat, sleep or even breathe it feels like… you’re taking lunch breaks on the toilet, trying to maintain a personal life in the moments between clients. 

If only you could get past this hump… grow your sales past the $6k a week mark. That’d maybe allow you a bit of breathing room….

But how can this happen when you’re the only one who can make money?!

How can you achieve this without sending yourself into further overwhelm?!

Agh, it’s an endless cycle that you feel inexplicably trapped within. 

Like, something needs to change ASAP…so you make BIG changes in order to try and move things along: ...

🚨You give your team pay rise after pay rise- because you're scared you'll lose the team you have. Like, you can’t possibly work more hours, you neeeed them!

🚨You turn your top stylist into the salon manager, to keep her from leaving. You hope it’ll take a load off (or because you’d rather someone else take the job of managing people… because it’s hard work! Then you can focus on doing the clients)

But did you know, that you could be making a huge mistake…a mistake I see MOST Small Salon Owners make in their journey to grow their salon past the $6k mark.

The mistake?

They spread their focus too thin and try to solve TOO MANY PROBLEMS  AT ONCE. They get exhausted, overwhelmed and burnt out all in an effort to grow… 

This is a HUGE mistake, because when you’re focusing on TOO many things at once it’s diluting your results!

✖️You’re not working on the RIGHT things for the stage of business you’re in RIGHT NOW. As a result, you simply can’t grow. You're 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.

✖️You’ll feel burnt out because you’ve ‘tried all the things’ but nothing’s working in the long run… you’ll feel a little lost… hopeless even.

✖️You're stuck, you're the busiest one on the floor doing ALL the clients, while your dwindling team aren’t growing, aren’t retaining… (and they complain about everything which is the worst)  

Sometimes, you wonder if you'll ever be able to grow past the ‘small salon’ phase and actually come up for air. Like, actually enjoy being a business owner rather than feeling like you’re working more hours, and earning less, than you did when you worked for someone else. 

If this is you, then I want to share a little secret. My #1 secret for smaller team salons, so they can get out of the $6k  growth plateau and actually pick up some momentum in their business… move to the next stage of business. 

-> I want you to STOP all of the things you’re doing right now…

You only need to focus on 3 simple things right now… THIS is the secret.
.... Because there are only 3 key areas of business that any salon with 2-5 team members, or earn between $2k-$6k a week, needs to focus on right now… 

 If you’re still reading this, then you’re in The Operator Stage ™… that’s right, you’re the operator, the stylist, the therapist… you’re the one doing the clients. 

What you need is to follow my 3-Part Momentum Method:

1) Building a Culture of Winning, where the clients gets what they want, what they need, and what they didn’t even know they needed... and your team know HOW to deliver that to them. Make MORE from the clients you already have!
2) Successfully Employing a Rockstar Team:Actually get applications, stand out from other salons down the road.. and get them inducted and Income Generating Quickly... 
3) Nail Client Attraction.. Attract your DREAM clients (not just any client) so your growing team have a flow of new clients to serve

As a result, you’ll be able to:

✓Lead your team to make more from the clients you already have… reach their target, earn commission without working more hours 

✓Successfully attract and hire new, quality team members, and motivate those team members to smash their sales targets and progress in their careers. Now THAT’s what I call Momentum!

✓Ultimately… Increase your Salon’s revenue and GROW to the next level. Which will allow you some breathing room.

If you’re interested in finding out HOW you can learn and implement my 3-Part Momentum Method in YOUR salon… quickly and effectively… 

Then you’re in luck! My Momentum Program is now OPEN for a VERY limited time, or Salon Owners whose Salon is earning between $2k-$6k a week, who want to grow forward momentum within their business.

If this sounds like you, simply click the button below.

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