
Join the Momentum Program

Join now
to unlock the 3-part Momentum Method to increase your Salon's sales by $2k a week.


Unlock the program for only $1297 (down from $2991). Save $1600!

Unlock Program


Join Now  & Unlock COMPLIMENTARY Access
to 12 Months Exclusive Success Coaching Calls 

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Unlock Bonus

Choose Your Plan:

Pay Now: Once & Done

$1297 down from $2991 (Save $1600!)

  • A complete, proven 3-Part Momentum Method to grow your Sales by $2k a week

  • Momentum Members HUB: 3-Part Momentum Strategies to grow sales $2k a week, Done-For-You worksheets, examples, Masterclasses, Replays & more

  • Weekly LIVE Q&A Coaching  in a private Facebook Group

  • Support from Success Coaches to move you into Salon Momentum

  • Community of Salon Owners so you never feel alone
  • BONUS - Invitation to apply for the Salon Mastery Program

    to 12 Months Exclusive Success Coaching Calls 

Payment Plan Option

7-weekly payments of $217

  • A complete, proven 3-Part Momentum Method to grow your Sales by $2k a week

  • Momentum Members HUB: 3-Part Momentum Strategies to grow sales $2k a week, Done-For-You worksheets, examples, Masterclasses, Replays & more

  • Weekly LIVE Q&A Coaching  in a private Facebook Group

  • Support from Success Coaches to move you into Salon Momentum

  • Community of Salon Owners so you never feel alone
  • BONUS - Invitation to apply for the Salon Mastery Program

    to 12 Months Exclusive Success Coaching Calls 
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Most Small Salon Owners Get Stuck At The "Operator" Phase of Business...

...They're the main operator (stylist or therapist) on the floor and get exhausted with all the hours, overwhelmed with the to-do lists, and burnt out all in an attempt to get traction.

  • You're stuck. You're the busiest one on the floor, doing the most clients, while your dwindling team aren’t growing, aren't selling, aren't retaining.


  • You can't get past this HUMP. You feel burnt out because you’ve ‘tried all the things’ but nothing’s working… it's 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.


  • You can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, you wonder if you'll ever be able to grow past the ‘small salon’ phase and earn more than $6k a week.

Join Now

Unlock The 3-Part Momentum Method

To Increase Your Salon’s Sales by $2K a Week.

How does the 3-Part Method work? 
In order to gain proper Momentum, and grow to the next phase of business, you should only be focusing on 3 simple things right now.

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Client Attraction

Install a proven system to Grow your social following and turn them into real bookings. Consistently attract your dream clients once and for all, with our reliable, repeatable done-for-you marketing strategies.

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Culture of Winning

Build a culture where your team feel confident that selling is Serving. Teach your team to Smash Sales with tried & tested strategies that are simple, fun, and will grow your sales by $2k a week. 

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Employ Rockstar Team

In today’s ever-changing hiring climate, it’s important to have a reliable recruitment strategy. Uncover our proven strategy to nail your recruitment process & find, attract, and employ rockstar team members.

Unlock Momentum Method
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