


4 Simple Steps to
Create a Salon Business Plan
(that works) in 90 mins

FREE Live Salon Masterclass Event 

Save Your Spot

Walk Away With...


A complete, written business plan.

Head into the coming months with purpose, clarity & confidence
that the things you’re working on are actually going to make your Salon grow.

We’re only hosting this Masterclass ONCE in 2023….  so you do NOT want to miss out.

Save Your Spot

Why a 4-Step Business Plan? 

As a Salon Owner, it’s SO easy to look over your shoulder at what other owners are doing.

You see other owners smashing business goals, so try to emulate the things they do, but it never works for you!

You hope that if you just keep working, and keep hustling… then it will all start to pay off.

But in actual fact, the real problem is, you’re working on the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Did you know: that there are 3 different phases of salon ownership and your focus should be entirely different depending on what phase you’re in? 

Save Your Spot

This event is for you if...

  • You want to discover which areas of your Salon business need urgent attention

  • You're keen on identifying what stage & phase you’re at in order to know what you should be working on first… and what to say ‘no’ to

  • You want to unlock the PROVEN SALON GROWTH ROADMAP with the EXACT strategies you should be implementing so you can work towards reaching the next Salon growth phase.

  • You want to write your Salon business plan so you can lead your salon with clarity and confidence toward the million $ mark.


Owners Who Have Implemented
The Salon Business Plan...

QLD, Australia

Wellington, NZ

Hamilton, NZ


Using the planner, you will be able to: 

Assess what parts of your business need attention

Consult your PROVEN SALON GROWTH ROADMAP to tell you the exact strategies you need to implement

Identify what stage of business you’re in, what you should be working on

Finally, write your own 2023 Salon Business Plan, to have real Clarity as a CEO 


Meet Your Host...


Larissa Macleman



I am a Business Mentor and Strategic Coach who helps salon owners, like yourself, step into leadership and master the role as a Salon CEO.  



After years of frustration in my own Salon, I fought my way to Salon success through grit, determination, trial & error. I saw my fellow Salon Owners working themselves to the bone, and I knew I had to do it differently.

So, I developed the business structure, framework and resources that scaled my Salon to Multi-Million Dollar status, and grew my team from 2 to 30!

Then I started teaching these proven strategies to burned out salon owners like yourself.


After 20 years as a National & International business award-winning Salon Owner, I sold my Salon and worked in digital & Social Media Marketing & Salon Technology Development and Grow & Scale Coaching.

Through my immersive salon Mastery program, I empower Salon Owners like yourself step into the role of CEO and skyrocket their Salons.

I'll provide you with the strategic frameworks to grow and scale your business, create Powerful Profits and build a Rockstar Team... so you can live a life of Freedom & Profit..