
Covid-19 Salon Response

We know how difficult this pandemic has been for Salon Owners, which is why we have put together all our Covid-19 business resources to help you survive and thrive through this period!

Social Templates: Tiles, Posters & Website Images

Trading in this new phase - it's important to double down on informing your clients about how you intend to operate and the safety precautions you’re taking to keep them feeling safe and they continue to enjoy your services.

Click the button below and I'll send you all the social templates in messenger...

Send Me The Social Templates!

Scripts & Templates: Navigating "The Vaccination" Phase in Your Salon

Grab my "done-for-you" templates and scripts, so you can keep your clients informed on how you intend to operate and the safety precautions you're taking.

Click the button below and I'll flick it your way in messenger

Grab Your Covid Scripts

Online Learning: Survive To Thrive HUB

Moving from Preparing, Surviving and then THRIVING with our 3-Step Action Plan. These key tools will become the Oracle of your business and help you make Thriving business decisions. Work through the HUB section now.


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Podcast: 7 Crucial Activities to Move the Needle in Lockdown

So many salon owners that I know have had to either cut back hours or even worse- close their salons. What I’ve realised, during this difficult time, is that we need to try our very hardest to make the best out of the ‘worst’.

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Podcast: Engaging Clients During a Global Pandemic

With the global pandemic rocking Hair & Beauty Salons across the globe, and most closing their doors at one point or another, it’s important to remember that we always need to be prepared for anything. 

And a huge aspect of that, which I saw many Salon Owners struggle with in lockdown especially, was keeping their clients engaged.

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Podcast: Ways to Keep Team Culture & Engagement During This Time

One of the biggest struggles that Salon Owners I know are facing right now is with how to keep their teams engaged during this crazy time we are facing in the world. 

Is this a problem you’re facing?

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Podcast: From Survive to Thrive (during an unexpected & unpredictable time)

We cannot predict how this is going to pan out, but we can prepare for the worst, then get on and hope for the best! Move forward pro-actively and lower anxiety by reducing re-activity.

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Podcast: The Top 7 Things To Work On Right Now

We have been forced to take a step back from working ‘in’ our businesses, which I see as a crucial opportunity to work ‘on’ your business instead.

Fill your days, where you can, with productive activities that will continue to move the needle in your business, even if you can’t actually have the doors open for trading. 


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Podcast: How to Ensure Your Salon Re-Gains Momentum


Preparing to go back to the salon is exciting…

But it will require you to think about this carefully. In preparation, I want to give you a checklist of things to avoid and think about working through so you arrive, thrive and get things back on track sooner, than later.

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Meet your Coach - Larissa Macleman

I help salon owners step into their role of 'Salon CEO' and grow a Rockstar Team, leading that team to smash sales targets, earn powerful profits and attract & retain dream clients.

After years of frustration in my own Salon, I fought my way to Salon success through grit, determination, trial & error. I saw my fellow Salon Owners working themselves to the bone, and I knew I had to do it differently. 

So, I developed the business structure, framework and resources that scaled my Salon to Multi-Million Dollar status, and grew my team from 2 to 30! 

Then I started teaching these proven strategies to burned-out but motivated salon owners like you.

I discovered that I love helping Salon Owners Master their Inner Salon CEO by implementing a strategic framework to grow your business and scale their teams.

I want to bring the expertise I've learned to you and other Salon Owners like you. The Salon Owners Collective is a place to share what we know and grow our industry.

While working with Salon Owners I saw that many struggled in business and were not making enough money to give them a lifestyle they could enjoy...

I used to be that person once, and I felt a need to help.

I realised through what I had learned I had the knowledge and experience to help other business owners like you get your time back.

At the Salon Owners Collective, I empower Salon Owners like yourself to step into the role of Salon CEO and skyrocket your Salon. I provide you with the strategic frameworks to grow and scale your business, create Powerful Profits and build a Rockstar Team... 

I believe that in order to truly achieve a life of Freedom & Profit, you must first fully step into your role as Salon CEO.

That's exactly what I did… and you can do it too!

Want to chat more about your salon and how I can help you? Let's chat in messenger so I can learn more about your salon...

I would love to learn about your salon - Let's Chat!